If you're about to embark on the journey of booking your Victorian Motorcycle Licence test, you'll need to make sure you have first completed several steps.
If you do not already have a full Victorian car licence, you will need to have obtained and held your Victorian Car Learner Permit for a minimum of twelve months before you can apply for your Motorcycle Learner Permit.
Riding a motorbike requires balance which is best learned by riding a bicycle. It's important to be confident maneuvering and balancing a bicycle before applying for your Motorcycle Licence.
The Victorian Rider Handbook is the motorcycle equivalent of the Road to Solo Driving Handbook. It contains information relating to road law (as it specifically relates to motorcycle use), motorcycle roadcraft, and motorcycle safe driving practices.
The handbook is available to download as a free online PDF. You can find more information about the handbook here.
You will need to obtain your Victorian Motorcycle Learner's Permit by completing the two-day course. The Learner's Permit course covers everything from the basics of mounting and dismounting the motorbike, to gear changing, stopping, and safely maneuvering the bike. You will also need to complete a written knowledge test.
Optionally, you can also undertake our two hour Pre-Learners Course if you're not sure if you're ready to get your motorcycle licence, or if you haven't ridden in a long time and would like to refresh your memory.
Your check ride will need to be completed a minimum of one month prior to your licence test. The check ride is a 3.5 hour on-road assessment to ensure you are ready to attempt the licence test. Once completed, you will be given a checklist to go away and practice for another month.
Once you have undertaken all of the steps above, and you have held your licence for a minimum of three consecutive months (if you lose your licence at any stage, this time will reset and you will need to wait another three months) you are able to book in to complete your motorcycle licence test. You can do so by contacting Allstar Motorcycle Training on (03) 9706 8758 or by booking online.
If you book online use SAVE10 to receive a $10.00 discount (not applicable on public holidays).
Please ensure you bring with you your learner permit plastic card (digital licences can not be accepted at this time), check ride receipt, car licence (or car learners with your Hazard Perception test), and a second form of ID (i.e. passport, birth certificate, medicare card, credit card).
(03) 9706 8758
Office & Training Range Address
87-89 Hallam Valley Road,
Dandenong South, VIC 3175
Get Directions
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
Training Range Hours
7 Days a Week,
Course/Test Bookings Essential